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DYP | Vision and Mission of Programme - DYPVision and Mission of Programme - DYP

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Vision and Mission of Programme

Vision of Programme

⮞ First year engineering department for transformation of young minds into motivated, self esteemed, creative and oriented engineers to explore engineering along with social responsibility for a better tomorrow.

Mission of Programme

⮞ Promoting Value Education

⮞ Instil professional, ethical and social responsibilities among students

⮞ Integrate principals and fundamentals of core sciences with engineering applications

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

⮞ To provide solid foundation in basic principles of core sciences in the respective disciplines so that the graduates would utilize this knowledge for lifelong learning.

⮞ To empower students with professional & ethical values, attitude, effective communication, leadership qualities & multidisciplinary approach so that the graduates would be a good individual as well as a team leader.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSO)

⮞ Students will be able to apply fundamental concepts of core sciences in the respective disciplines.

⮞ At the end of the first year of the engineering program, students will be able to understand the scope of interdisciplinary subjects.

Program Outcomes (PO’S)

⮞ Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialisation to the solution of complex engineering problems.

⮞ Problem Analysis: Identity, formulates, review research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using the first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

⮞ Design/Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, and cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

⮞ Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

⮞ Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

⮞ The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

⮞ Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

⮞ Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

⮞ Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

⮞ Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

⮞ Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

⮞ Life-long Learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Course Outcomes (CO’S)


Sr. No.SubjectsSubject Code
F.Y. B.TechEngineering PhysicsBSC 101
1 Understand the concepts of diffraction, polarization, and apply the knowledge gained for practicals.
2 Study the basics of laser and fibre optics and to understand its technological importance in engineering field.
3 Students well gain the knowledge about the construction of acoustically good hall where the quality of sound can be maintained through optimizing different parameters.
4 To differentiate different crystal systems, to identify Miller indices for different planes, and to study the X-ray diffraction by crystals.
5 Students will understand the importance of nonmaterials, different tools used for nanotechnology and get basic knowledge about the fabrication of nonmaterials.
6 Students will get familiar with different aspects of quantum mechanics and solve the numerical related to Compton effect.
F.Y. B. TechEngineering Mathematics 1BSC 102
1 Able to calculate rank of matrix and apply the knowledge of matrices to solve the problems
2 Able to calculate characteristic equation & characteristic roots & use the applicability of C+65aylay Hamilton Theorem to find inverse of matrix which is very important in many engineering application
3 Ability to interpret the mathematical results in physical or practical terms for complex numbers.
4 Know and to understand various types of numerical methods
5 Inculcate the Habit of Mathematical Thinking through Indeterminate forms and Taylor series expansion
6 Able to solve the problems of differentiation of functions of two variables and know about the  maximization and minimization of functions of several variables.
F.Y. B.TechBasic Electric EngineeringESC 103
1To understand the basic concepts of electrical circuits & networks and their analysis which is the foundation for all the subjects in the electrical engineering discipline.
2To emphasize on the basic elements in magnetic circuits.
3To analyze Single-Phase AC Circuits
4To analyze Three-Phase AC Circuits
5To understand Earthing in electrical systems, Single line diagram of electrical systems.
6To illustrate Single-Phase Transformers.
F.Y. B. TechBasic Civil EngineeringESC 104
1 Understand relevance of civil engineering and building planning principles.
2 Define different building components.
3 Understand significance of building system.
4 Demonstrate the use of different survey instruments for the field work.
5 Illustrate introductory surveying & leveling problems.
6 Recognize some sub branches of civil engineering such as transportation, environmental and irrigation.
F.Y. B.TechEngineering GraphicsESC 105
1 Discuss and demonstrate the importance of Engineering Graphics in  Engineering & draw the different curves.
2 Draw Horizontal line, Vertical line, and oblique line & solve problems on regular polygon using change in position method.
3 Solve problem on projections of Solid.
4 Draw FV, SV, TV of the object.
5 Draw isometric object from FV, SV, and TV.
6 Understanding of construct the objects by developing surfaces of solids and knowledge of cutting planes.
F.Y. B. TechProfessional Communication I          HM 106
1 Understand the process, nature, types, barriers and filters and effective ways of communication.
2 Study the forms of tenses, LSRW skills and techniques of developing vocabulary
3 To understand the aspects of language, Phonetics, Phonetic Transcription.
4 To acquire oral skills like Speech, Meetings, Elocution, Extempore etc
5 Use different language styles, British and American Format.
F.Y. B. TechWorkshop Practice – I                                                                                              ESC – 107
1 Take different precautions to avoid accidents in workshops. 
2 Use different measuring instruments without any errors in readings with them. 
3 Perform different smithy operations with required tools for them. 
4 Perform different fitting operations with required tools for them. 


Sr. No.SubjectsSubject Code
F.Y. B. TechEngineering ChemistryBSC 109
1 Apply the different methodologies for analysis of water and techniques involved in softening of water as commodity.
2 Select appropriate method of material analysis.
3 Demonstrate the knowledge of advanced engineering materials for various engineering applications.
4 Analyze fuel and suggest use of alternative fuels.
5 Explain causes of corrosion and methods for minimizing corrosion.
6 Understand properties and application of metallic materials and concept of green principles.
F.Y. B. TechEngineering Mathematics 1IBSC 114
1 Identify different types of ordinary differential equations and use analytical methods to solve them.    
2 Make use of differential equations for finding orthogonal trajectories, to solve simple electrical problems and Newton’s law of cooling.
3 Solve examples on Numerical Solution of First order and First degree Differential equation.
4 Know and to understand various types of numerical methods.
5 Apply the concept of beta function, gamma function to solve improper integrals.
6 Solve multiple integration and make use of it to find area and mass.
F.Y. B. TechFundamental and Electronics and ComputersESC 110
1 Describe testing and measurement techniques of electronic component.
2 Explain logic gates and their application.
3 Explain concepts of computer and networking.
4 Demonstrate understanding of basic blocks of computer  programming.
5 Describe testing and measurement techniques of electronic component.
6 Explain logic gates and their application.
F.Y. B. TechApplied MechanicsESC – 111
1 Acquire the knowledge of basic concepts and fundamental laws of mechanics, as well as analyze force systems
2 Analyze and solve the engineering problems for different types of forces acting on rigid bodies in equilibrium conditions
3 Locate centroid and determine moment of inertia for composite sections.
4 Solve the numericals on kinetics of linear motion
5 Solve the numericals on kinetics of circular motions.
6 Explain the effect of impact & collision on various bodies.
F.Y. B. TechBasic Mechanical EngineeringESC – 111
1 Students should have understanding about basic concepts of engineering  thermodynamics as applied to industry
2    Students should understand the real life application of IC engines and the  various components and technologies of IC engines.
3To learn about VCRS , VARS its real life application and Psychrometric processes
4 To understand the various methods of electricity generation in India  using renewable and non renewable sources
5 To understand and identify power transmission devices with their  functions in the system
6 To understand the various mechanical manufacturing and metal joining  processes used in real life
F.Y. B. TechProfessional Communication II          ESC – 111
1 Write formal and technical reports and understand Methods of Data Collection.
2 Make SWOT analysis, take firm decision.
3 Manage stress and time effectively.
4 Present Professionally and  work effectively in a team.
5 Participate in Group Discussion and Debate.
F.Y. B. TechWorkshop Practice – II                                                                                                 ESC – 113
1 Perform different welding operations with proper equipments.
2 Perform different carpentry operations with proper tools.
3 Perform different sheet metal operations with required tools for them.
4 Have awareness of side effects of air pollution and how to minimise air pollution.